By Bob West
So much discussion around digital marketing has focused on the challenges marketers face that the opportunity of digital marketing can missed. But an analysis of the thousands of enewsletter and website ads placed with Meister Media’s digital properties by more than 200 clients in 2019 clearly illustrates the benefits of intelligent digital marketing.
Below you will find the average click-through rate (CTR) from 2019 for every digital ad unit Meister Media offers – most of which increased from 2018! Here are some key takeaways from our analysis:
- The average CTR for all three of Meister Media’s content-type ads (image-text and native ads in our standard enewsletters and sponsor content in our topical enewsletters) increased dramatically from 2018 to 2019 and clearly offer the highest click-through rates among enewsletter ad units. KEY TAKEAWAY: Leveraging informative content on your website and promoting that content with content-oriented ads can engage prospective customers and create opportunities to create in-depth engagement.
- The average CTR for every enewsletter ad unit Meister Media offers increased from 2018 to 2019. KEY TAKEAWAY: Email-based marketing continues to effectively engage these markets so long as the ads are delivered to a targeted, qualified audience and around quality content that gets audiences to open the enewsletters.
- The average CTR for both ad units in Meister Media’s topical enewsletters increased from 2018 to 2019. KEY TAKEAWAY: Delivering an ad message around relevant content is more important than ever to get it seen by the right audience.
- Benchmarks CTRs for our re-targeting ads were in line with the 2018 benchmarks. KEY TAKEAWAY: Re-targeting offers marketers a cost-effective means for maximizing advertising reach to a qualified audience from Meister Media’s online universe.
- Benchmark CTRs dropped slightly for most of our website ads except for the top-selling ad unit, the medium rectangle ad, which saw the average CTR double from 2018 to 2019. KEY TAKEAWAY: Engaging online audiences remains challenging but can be done so when effective creative is deployed at the right audience through an effective web property.